Fire Instructor watching students put on fire equipment

Fire and EMS Instructor

This course is designed for Firefighters wanting certification as a State of Ohio Fire Instructor.

This course provides the basic knowledge and skills to become a certified Fire Instructor, including how to instruct from a lesson plan and also adapt a lesson plan to deliver instruction effectively. We use lecture, delivery practice, and practice speeches and lesson demonstrations.

The training provided in this class shall consist of 60 hours of training and shall be taught in accordance with the objectives approved by the executive director. The program hours shall be allocated as follows:

  1. Forty hours in instruction of adult students and basic teaching techniques;

  2. Eight hours in instruction specific to fire service training;

  3. Ten hours of supervised teaching in the presence of a certified instructor, approved by the chartered program offering the fire service instructor training program;

  4. The final two hours are credited toward the successful completion of the techniques examination approved by the executive director.

Upcoming Classes

Fall class coming soon!

Entrance Requirements

  1. Possess a current certificate as a firefighter;

  2. In the preceding 7 years, have at least five years experience as a certified firefighter;

  3. Pass an online knowledge and technique exam approved by the Ohio Department of Public Safety that demonstrates a level of knowledge in the fire service training.

Course Cost

$415.00 + $85.00 (books) = $500.00
Includes tuition, books, required teaching hours, and technique exam.

Please note that entire tuition is due and payable at the time of registration. If you are being sponsored by an employer, you may chose that option when registering so that no payment is required. However, you must email Melanie Colley at immediately upon registration to provide billing information.